All rules must be followed. They are subject to change at any time.

1. All channels must be used properly and only for their intended purpose.

2. Advertising or promotional communication of other communities is totally forbidden.

3. Multiple accounts will be banned without any warning.


4. Do not share content related to piracy, cheats, cracks, exploits along with NSFW.


5. Impoliteness, insults, abuse of personal messages, spam @ping or complaints will not be tolerated. Trashtalk is only allowed on Salt channel.

6. Disclosure of personal information is strictly forbidden.

7. Conducting any kind of real-world economic activity is strictly prohibited on this server.

8. Our Support Team members do their best. Do not tag nor DM them, open a ticket instead.
9. Main language is English. If you wish to chat with other languages, use 💬┇𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥-𝐄𝐒𝐏 or 💬┇𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥-𝐅𝐑

10. Follow Discord’s TOS and Community guidelines.

All rules must be followed. They are subject to change at any time.
3 warns = 1 Week ban.
1.1 Multiple accounts, cheating and abusing exploits will lead you to a permaban without any warning.
*Permanent ban
1.2 Admins are not forced to return items or lost dinos due to in-game situations, bugs or rollbacks.
1.3 Mass breeding is forbidden to avoid server lags. Useless dinos must be stored.
*Dinos wipe + warn
1.4 Handcuffing players is allowed but it must not last more than an hour.
1.5 Teaming is forbidden. Raids are only between 2 tribes. Any interference by a 3rd tribe at a raid is considered teaming unless legally countered (clear attempts of raid with a counter fob, no sniping only)
*Tribe owners warn/ban
1.6 Popcorning is forbidden. (Dropping items from vaults, smithys, fabs… during a raid so no one gets it)
1.7 Harassment, racism, hate speech or any king of discriminatory speech will be severly punished.
1.8 Insiding and scamming are strictly bannable. Irrefutable proof must be provided.
1.9 Conducting any kind of real-world economic activity by selling in-game items is strictly prohibited.
Admins will structure wipe and warn/ban if these rules are not followed.
2.1 Banned locations
General : Obelisks, player spawns and ressources spots.
The Center : Ice Palace & Jumping Puzzle.
The Island : Swamp Cave, Tek Cave & Volcano.
Scorched Earth : Wyvern trench.
2.2 Ratholes are only allowed if you get in through normal movement. (crouching and probing)
*Exploits by grapple, KO, beds, tek… are forbidden.
2.3 Max base limit is 3 per cluster, on separate locations. Any 4th base found will be wiped.
2.4 Do not use tunnels/structures, walls and ceilings to bypass turrets.
2.5 Open-world structures are forbidden, more specifically turrets and gates.
2.6 A fob must not be inactive more than 4 hours after starting a raid. If no progression is made within this time, fob will be removed.
2.7 No building within the mesh. All structures will be wiped without any warning.
2.8 Platform dinos : Do not create line of sight to prevent the dino from taking any damage.
2.9 Any transfer of ownership of bases that are actively being raided is not allowed.

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